Starting Bid: £270
Live Auction
Auction 90 - End of Month Sale (6% BP)
Live bidding began
Aug 29, 2023 at 12 PM BST
FRANCE. Napoleon III, 1852-70.
Gold 20 francs, 1857 A.
Bare head of Napoleon III facing right, NAPOLEON III EMPEREUR around, BARRE below. Engraver: Jean-Jacques Barre. / Value and date within wreath, EMPIRE FRANÇAIS above, mintmark below. Edge lettering ***** DIEU * PROTEGE * LA * FRANCE.
Very fine.
Reference: Fr-573; Gad-1061; KM-781
Diameter: 21 mm.
Weight: 6.4516 g. (AGW=0.1867 oz.)
Composition: 900.0/1000 Gold.
PLEASE NOTE: 6% Buyer Premium + VAT on this lot. No other fees, including live bidding. Delivery cost will be added to your order.
This lot is exempt from VAT. Payment can be made in EUR, CHF, or USD for an exchange fee. Please contact us to find out more.
Gold 20 francs, 1857 A.
Bare head of Napoleon III facing right, NAPOLEON III EMPEREUR around, BARRE below. Engraver: Jean-Jacques Barre. / Value and date within wreath, EMPIRE FRANÇAIS above, mintmark below. Edge lettering ***** DIEU * PROTEGE * LA * FRANCE.
Very fine.
Reference: Fr-573; Gad-1061; KM-781
Diameter: 21 mm.
Weight: 6.4516 g. (AGW=0.1867 oz.)
Composition: 900.0/1000 Gold.
PLEASE NOTE: 6% Buyer Premium + VAT on this lot. No other fees, including live bidding. Delivery cost will be added to your order.
This lot is exempt from VAT. Payment can be made in EUR, CHF, or USD for an exchange fee. Please contact us to find out more.